From 2009 - Present, Zion has been
the star of the stage. He loves
fighting crime, hoverboarding, and
being with his friends. While having
to still attend school, Zion tries
to make it through any situation that
is presented to him.

Raymon is a long time member of the Zeeskyzii
team, originally appearing in 2012. While being
the oldest, he still has his speed and agility to
fight nearby enemies!

Hunter is a force to be reckoned with, as
he is the strongest member of the gang. First appearing
in 2007, Hunter has been known for his humor and
advanced fighting skills.

A bundle of cute and agility,
Ricky is the most likable. Appearing in
2013, Since then, Ricky has been
the cutest, supercharged canine of them all!

Jenna is the most realistic person you can meet. She's not really into girl related things but she still has modesty. Since 2015, she has been one of Zion's good friends.